Jing Pin Century Hotel Jing Pin Shi Ji Jiu Dian

P.O Box 8064 Ngerbeched, Koror State
(680) 488-2056

See why so many travelers make Jing Pin Century Hotel Jing Pin Shi Ji Jiu Dian their small hotel of choice when visiting Koror. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a family-friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you.

Rooms at Jing Pin Century Hotel Jing Pin Shi Ji Jiu Dian offer air conditioning providing exceptional comfort and convenience, and guests can go online with free wifi.

A 24 hour front desk, room service, and a convenience store are some of the conveniences offered at this small hotel. An on-site restaurant will also help to make your stay even more special. If you are driving to Jing Pin Century Hotel Jing Pin Shi Ji Jiu Dian, free parking is available.

Price Range


 - $120

*Prices are subject to change based on seasonality etc.
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