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680 Night Market

Brace yourself for an electrifying cultural extravaganza like no other in Palau - the sensational 680 Night Market! This bi-weekly spectacle is a showstopper that beckons both explorers and residents. The 680 Night Market occurs twice a month.


As you step into the Night Market's bustling realm, your senses will dance to a symphony of delectable aromas wafting from every corner. Local food artisans parade a medley of delights, from sizzling BBQ and tantalizing Chinese fare to irresistible Filipino street food and pizza galore. Quench your thirst with ice-cold coconut water - the perfect refreshment under the starlit Palauan sky.


Indulge in the rich flavors of Palauan cuisine at the All State Booth within the 680 Night Market. Delight in a diverse selection of local dishes that proudly represent the culinary heritage of Palau. From traditional favorites to unique creations, each plate is a journey through the vibrant flavors that define the Palauan food culture. Join us at the All State booth to savor the authenticity of Palauan cuisine and experience the essence of the 680 Night Market's gastronomic adventure.


As the sun sets and the stars emerge, the atmosphere comes alive with the beats of local music and the graceful movements of traditional and contemporary dances. Our vibrant dance performances are a celebration of Palau's rich cultural heritage, conveying stories and traditions through every step and gesture. Feel the energy surge as the live band takes the stage, delivering a dynamic blend of Palauan melodies and contemporary tunes.


Need a ride to the 680 Night Market? Checkout our 680 Night Market Shuttle Service


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