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Palau delegation attends the Sasakawa Peace Foundation’s Pacific Islands

Palau delegation attends the Sasakawa Peace Foundation’s Pacific Islands Week July 8th-16th

Koror, Palau – July 15, 2024

Minister Ngirabelas Tmetuchl, accompanied by Palau Visitors Authority's Managing Director Kadoi Ruluked, Airai State Governor Norman Ngiratecheboet, Ngaraard State Governor Sharp Sakuma, First Lady Lisa Rdiall, and PVA State and Community Manager Katarina Mad, recently concluded a successful visit to Tokyo, Japan, on the invitation of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

On July 10th, Minister Tmetuchl delivered an insightful presentation on Palau’s National Tourism Policy, highlighting strategic objectives and emphasizing sustainable practices for preserving Palau's natural and cultural heritage. Following his presentation, Managing Director Kadoi Ruluked detailed national-level initiatives aimed at developing community-based tourism, showcasing efforts that empower local communities and enhance visitor experiences.

Both Airai State Governor Norman Ngiratecheboet and Ngaraard State Governor Sharp Sakuma presented their successful community-based tourism (CBT) models, which they developed in collaboration with the PVA and integrated into the successful AliiPass program. These models demonstrate the benefits of community involvement in tourism development and its positive impact on local economies ; with assistance of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation and their Director / Senior Program Officer of Division of Island Nations, Mr. Hideyuki Shiozawa who have been integral in helping the states with the PVA and the Bureau of Tourism to implement sustainable marketing and promotions of each state assets and tourism products.

On July 11th, Minister Tmetuchl gave the keynote speech on Economic Development, Air Route Expansion, and the Blue Prosperity Plan, illustrating how these initiatives are pivotal not only for tourism but also for Palau’s overall economic growth. Joining Minister Tmetuchl on the panel was Mr. Sekiya Takehisa, Vice President of the Relationship and Connection Creation Department, Sales and Marketing Division, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. The panel discussion was highly engaging, focusing on the importance of airline accessibility to Palau’s recovery plans and the benefits of direct passenger sales for state communities and the national government. Minister Tmetuchl highlighted the importance of Pajau’s partnership with Sojitz Corporation that has a vast global network in the aviation sector, having over 50 years of business experience in the industry. Japan Airport Terminal Company has one of the longest business experience in the airport industry in Japan, having expertise in Haneda Airport terminal operation, as well as retail and promotion. These 2 companies are representing Palau for tourism promotion as well as airline sales and marketing in Japan, utilizing their rich resources.

Minister Tmetuchl added “that Palau will be exhibiting at EXPO 2025 in Osaka. Through this 6-month exhibition, we would like to promote Palau tourism and especially strengthen the cultural ties between Japan and Palau following the historical connection.”

An important part of Palau booth for the World Expo would to highlight the historical connection by presenting the life and work of Mr. Hisakatsu Hijikata, a Japanese artist who moved to Palau in the early 1900s during the Japanese administration era. He is the founder of the famous Palauan cultural artifact, the storyboard. The MHRCTD is working with Kochi Museum, where many of Hijikata’s work and records are kept, to plan the exhibition and spread this wonderful story to the visitors in Japan.

In his closing remarks, Minister Tmetuchl thanked the Sasakawa Peace Foundation for the opportunity to share Palau's Recovery plans.

“I believe that Japan and JAL can play a big role in reconnecting Palau to the Japanese people and we look forward to working hand in hand to make flights resume soon. We are stronger together with partnerships, whose strength helps us build a world that is free, independent, prosperous and secure!”, stated Minister Tmetuchl.

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