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Green Fair 2021 Features Local Designers, Makeup Artists and Hair Stylists

“Green Fair 2021 features local designers, makeup artists and hair stylists”


The Palau Visitors Authority (PVA) along with plant growers and community enthusiasts were excited to bring the Annual Green Fair event back after being cancelled last year due to Covid 19 pandemic. The event was held at Ernguul Park on Thurdsday, April 22nd where participants gathered and displayed their plants and competed in two categories, medicinal and ornamental, in celebration of Earth Day. This year the event also presented something new, a fashion show!

The fashion show featured three categories: Palauan-owned shirt brands, recyclable designs and lastly, outfits made out of natural material. PVA State and Community Manager Katarina Mad explains, “This year we wanted to add a new element to our annual Green Fair event to promote local fashion and artistry.”

The first category presented eight shirt brands: Tiuladokow, MisDil Creations, PW Clothings, Olokoi, Belau Foodies, Savage16, Hella Palauan and Sage Isles. All shirt designs are made by young talented Palauan designers which illustrate a modern take on Palauan language, art and lifestyle.

The second category showcased two of Palau’s longest standing local dress shops, Morei’s Fashion and VIP Dress Shop. Morei’s Fashion presented two designs: a dress and matching handbag made out of fabric scraps and a colorful top. The other design was a skirt and headband made out of plastic grocery bags. VIP Dress Up Shop also showcased two designs: a colorful double layered dress and pantsuit made from various reusable material namely, rice bags.

The final category of natural materials displayed four outfits all designed by Ms. Ariel Dela Cruz (TFCP President) and Renato Carreon (Masang Company) made mainly out of ti leaf and hibiscus plant.

The team behind the glam of the fashion show comprised of various makeup artists: Aundrea Hill (Klebokl Dil Spa), Adora Nobuo (Rengelchad Services), Clinton Masami, Deshay Yobech and Iesha Tulop; hair stylists: Jazzmen Isaac, Mona and her colleagues from Beauty Secrets.

PVA would like to express its deepest appreciation to all participants and sponsors! Special thanks to Green Fair models: Mirang Subediang, Losii Daniel, Ebildung Isaac, Kirsten Sugiyama, Ide Uehara, Liam Filibert, Obak Mad, Stonn Adachi, Shan’d Tevid, Akiko West, Lamar Debengek, Ongly Remengesau and Ikelau Misech! PVA would also like to acknowledge 680 MVMT for their support of the fashion show.

Coming up next week are additional activities involving tree planting at Badrulchau, Ngarchelong and coastal cleanup in Aimeliik, Ngatpang, Ngardmau, Ngeremlengui and Ngarchelong, in relation to Earth Day. These events were postponed by Tropical Storm Surigae.


April 27, 2021
Palau Visitors Authority
Medalaii, Koror
Palau 96940

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