August 11, 2019
Palau Visitors Authority
Medalaii, Koror
Palau 96940
The Palau Visitors Authority (PVA) has partnered up with the office of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to help spread public awareness about pelagic fishery. The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. The collaboration comes together with TNC’s efforts to promote awareness about pelagic fish and with PVA’s “Living Pristine” campaign through the young Palauan artists to paint murals.
Capitalizing on children’s curiosity, creative and imaginary minds, the team has kicked off its 1st project at the Koror Elementary School. The mural will have a wide array of different types of pelagic fish. It will not only be beautiful, but also showcase its importance and a conversation starter.
Ms. Yvonne Ueda, Fisheries Project Manager, when asked, “What do you think about working with local artist to do murals? she replied “The beauty about this program, we don’t need to reach outside of the country to find capacity to promote awareness, we have the talent locally that we can provide opportunities and build their confidence and master their skills.”
The 8 young local artists, who are all employed under the Pandemic Re-Employment Program (PREP), mentored by Mr. Richard Silmai, Ms. Tatiana Tikhanina, and Ms. Kanoelani Foy. As mentors, they share extensive experience and deep knowledge to build the foundation for the young and upcoming local artist. The team continues to pay it forward with the strong intention to beautify our Pristine Paradise Palau before we welcome visitors back to Palau.
With the KES Mural project launched, the artists are excited and eager to keep the murals going! If any other school or any organization would like to be part of the artistical movement, you may contact Ms. Alessa Aguon with the Palau Visitors Authority.
PVA is a semi-autonomous body created by law to promote and encourage the development and marketing of tourism as one of the primary economic sectors of the Republic. For additional information, please contact 488-1930/2793 or email to [email protected].