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Embassy of Japan to Hold 8th Japan Fair

Embassy of Japan in Palau is pleased to announce the 8th Japan Fair that will take place on Sunday, February 25, 2018. The event will be held at Ngarachamayong Cultural Center from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Japan Fair is an annual event organized by the Embassy of Japan, to promote various Japanese cultures to the people of Palau.
Japan Fair
For the 8th Japan Fair, several groups are visiting from Japan to perform on stage. The highlights for the performances include Rakugo (comical Japanese story-telling) and Nankin Tamasudare (bamboo made instrument performance) by Laugh-Laugh-Tei, Japanese folk dances, calligraphy and song performances by Kinouken Group. As annual guests, Palau Judo Federation and Palau Japanese Language School will also take part to showcase some live performances on stage. In addition, Mr. Tomoya Uemura, an artist, will exhibit his oil paintings which are a mixture of Japanese and Palauan themed artworks. A free art workshop by Mr. Uemura will also be held at the event.
During the event, various activity booths will be set up to experience Japanese culture on hand. Activity booths include trying on yukata (summer kimono), origami (art of folding paper), shodo (Japanese calligraphy) and Japanese traditional games. Some Japanese organizations working in Palau will also have their booths open to introduce their works. Information about the Japan scholarships, JET program and other educational programs will also be available.
Embassy of Japan welcomes everyone to come and join this free public event on Sunday, February 25, 2018 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. For more information, please contact the Embassy of Japan at 488-6455/ 6456.

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