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Palau Escape

Palau Escape, Lebuu, Koror 96940, Palau
+680 778-7206 / +680 587-2690
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Your Escape Awaits

Scuba Diving

Plunge head-first into Palau's most FAMOUS Blue Corner, well-preserved WWII Wrecks, or catch the monthly SPAWNING frenzies of the Red Snappers or Bumphead Parrotfish.
Dive with air, NItrox, sidemount or Rebreather.

Dive Training

Discover diving or advance your dive training with the full range of PADI, IANTD and IART dive courses including sidemount and tec diving with the expert  guidance of Joe Guglimelli.


Snorkeling in Palau is just as FUN! No experience needed. Safety guaranteed. Bask in the sun as our speed boat spins around the iconic Palau Arch; Snorkel the Big Drop-Off; End your day with Milky Way's mud bath and turn back the clock to look decades younger!

Fish, Kayak, & More

What else can you do in Palau? PLENTY.
Paddle in a kayak into Palau's rare Marine Lakes.
Learn to spearfish while freediving like a local.
Grill the fish you catch over a wood-fired BBQ in a homestay.
Explore Palau's culture in Babeldaob, Palau's biggest island.

For more information please visit Palau Escape website.

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