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Free Health Screening and Testing at the 680 Night Market

Free Health Screening and Testing at the 680 Night Market

The Ministry of Health and Human Services' Communicable Disease Unit, in partnership with the CAT Team, Koa Moana, and USMCED 24.2, is offering free screening and education.


Date and Time:
July 27, 2024
5 PM to 7 PM

JP Bridge, Airai Side


Available Services:

  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Blood Sugar Check
  • Chlamydia Screening
  • Gonorrhea Screening
  • Syphilis Screening
  • HIV Testing
  • Tuberculosis Testing
  • Hepatitis B & C Testing
  • Hansen's Disease Screening


For more information: Call: (680) 488-1757 / 6500
Visit our Facebook Page: Palau Communicable Disease Unit

Event Details

Event Location & Venue
JP Bridge Airai Side
Date of the Event
July 27, 2024
5:00 pm
 - 7:00 pm

Event Organizer

Phone Number
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